Kyiv - Den Haag - Kyiv - Den Haag

Kyiv - Den Haag - Kyiv - Den Haag

The audio walk Kyiv — Den Haag — Kyiv — Den Haag by Anna Khvyl is a sound performance in motion about remembrance, justice, and togetherness

Door Rewire

Datum en tijd

don, 4 apr. 2024 10:30 - 12:00 CEST


Het Puntje

3N Strand noord 2586 ZZ Den Haag Netherlands

Over dit evenement

How can one tell stories they wish to keep silent about? How can one ask questions they are afraid to hear answers to? What is the role of sound and silence in resistance to violence, the search for justice, and people’s attempts to be together? Composed and directed by Anna Khvyl, with script by Piotr Armianovski and Anna Khvyl. 

Originally from Kyiv, Ukraine, Anna Khvyl is a sound artist, composer, and researcher. She investigates the interactions between sensation and perception, contemplating how these elements intertwine to provide space for both social bonding and individual self-exploration. Khvyl graduated from the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, where she currently continues her work as a research associate. Her work includes releases, sound installations, audio-visual compositions, multichannel live performances, audio walks, and radio shows. 

Because of limited capacity, please register for a free ticket here. The meeting point for the sound walk is next to café Het Puntje on the beach.

Google Map link:


If you come by public transport, take bus 21/23 or tram 1/9 towards Scheveningen Noord. Then get off at the last stop, Zwarte Pad. The last stretch is a 20 minute walk north along the beach.


Cycle to the right via Pompstationweg past the water tower (or left via Harstenhoekweg at the water tower) into Meijendel. Less than five minutes after the water tower you will find the bicycle shed on your left. From there it is only a five minute walk to the beach.


+31612181438 (WhatsApp, text). Message if you need any advice on finding the location.


All essential equipment, including radio receivers and headphones, will be provided for the duration of the walk. If you prefer, feel free to bring your own headphones, if they have a 3.5mm jack and non-spiral cable.

Please arrive on time as the audio performance will involve changing locations.

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